a prayer for airmen / oração para aviadores (manuel bandeira, 1886–1968)


Blessed Saint Clare, make the air
Calm and clear.
Quell its rushing, still its motion,
Make it spare;
Tailwind, headwind, tide and ocean,
Keep them fair.

Blessed Saint Clare, grant us sun;
And if fog should enshroud,
Through the fog
Shine it bright.
Through the thick horizon cloud,
Give us sight.

Blessed Saint Clare, in foul clime,
Hold our wings,
Give them lift;
Over treetops, over houses,
Rocks, and hillsides, let our wings
Safely drift.

Blessed Saint Clare, shine thy light.
Hazards all
Drive away;
As Saint Francis did for thee—
(father’s love, teacher’s hand) —
Hazards all, Blessed Clare,
Keep at bay.

Blessed Saint Clare, light our way.

(original: https://www.ihu.unisinos.br/categorias/43-oracoes-inter-religiosas-ilustradas/611975-oracao-para-aviadores-manuel-bandeira-na-oracao-inter-religiosa-desta-semana)

